What is 155 cm in Feet and Inches?

cm in Feet and Inches

5 feet and 1.02 inches

155 cm in Feet

Do you know how tall you are if you are 155 cm tall? We are here to make it easy for you! Whether you want to check your height for health profiling, for a sports application, or just out of curiosity, our tool instantly converts centimetres to feet.

Conversion Formula:

To convert centimeters to feet & inches, we use the conversion formula:

1 foot = 30.48 centimeter

1 inch = 2.54 centimetre


To convert 155 cm to feet & inches, follow some of the basic steps listed below:

Step 1: First, divide 155 cm by 2.54  to convert it into a number of inches

155 cm ÷ 2.54 = 61.02 in

Step 2: Next, divide the height in inches by 12 to find feet.

61.02÷ 12 = 5.085 ft

whole feet = 5 ft

remainder = 0.085 ft

Step 3: To convert this decimal part to inches, multiply it by 12:

0.085 feet * 12 inches/foot = 1.02 inches

How It Works:

It’s that simple! If you are 155 cm tall, that is 5 feet 1 inch. Our conversion tool ensures you get the correct results without needing math.

Why Use This Conversion?

Ideal for International Measurement Standards: All regions do not use a similar unit of measurement system. Conversion of centimetres and feet helps assess height measurements, whether you’re travelling, filling out forms, or something else.

Fast and Accurate: Save effort and time with a speedy and accurate conversion; no more calculators and complex formulas.

Helpful for Fitness, Health, and More: Most health and fitness applications prefer the standard height to be feet and inches. You get the correct number for your profile very fast.

More Conversions?

Want to convert more heights or units? No worries; our conversion tool will also be able to convert for you! Want to know how 175 cm converts to feet? Need to change other measurements? All covered!.