What is 155 cm in Feet and Inches?

cm in Feet and Inches

5 feet and 1.02 inches

155 cm in Feet

Do you want to know how many feet and inches is 155 cm? Whether you need to compare a height for personal stats, fitness level, or international conversions, we are here to help.

155 cm in Feet and Inches

155 cm in Feet and Inches

155 cm = 5’1″ (5 feet 1 inch)

How to Convert cm to inches:

1 cm = 0.3937 inches

155 multiplied by 0.3937 equals 61.02 inches

Convert inches to feet:

1 foot = 12 inches

Rounding up to the nearest foot, we can divide inches into feet (12 inches in 1 foot). 61 inches ÷ 12 = 5 feet remainder 1 inch

Thus, 155 cm = 5 feet 1 inch.


To convert 155 cm to feet & inches, follow some of the basic steps listed below:

Step 1: First, divide 155 cm by 2.54  to convert it into a number of inches

155 cm ÷ 2.54 = 61.02 in

Step 2: Next, divide the height in inches by 12 to find feet.

61.02÷ 12 = 5.085 ft

whole feet = 5 ft

remainder = 0.085 ft

Step 3: To convert this decimal part to inches, multiply it by 12:

0.085 feet * 12 inches/foot = 1.02 inches

Why Do You Need To Convert Centimeters to Feet and Inches?

The metric system (centimeters/meters) is used in many countries and feet/inches in others, like the U.S. It helps in converting the height measurements:

Why Use This Conversion?

Health & Fitness – Checking height for BMI calculations

Travel & Immigration – What are height requirements for visas and documents

Fashion & Shopping – Shop for clothes and shoes with different sizing standards

Simple height comparison across various measurement systems

Quick Conversion Chart


CMFeet & Inches
150 cm4’11”
155 cm5’1″
160 cm5’3″
165 cm5’5″
170 cm5’7″

More Conversions?

Want to convert more heights or units? No worries; our conversion tool will also be able to convert for you! Want to know how 175 cm converts to feet? Need to change other measurements? All covered!.

Height conversion calculator to easily convert any height

Want to convert other heights? Use our height conversion calculator for immediate results in feet and inches. A simple accurate unit conversion regardless of personal, travel or educational needs!