Salary to Hourly Calculator

Hourly Rate:

How to Calculate Salary to Hourly

Calculating your salary against an hourly rate is helpful because it makes it easy to see how much money you earn per hour you work. This is particularly useful when comparing job offers, budgeting or getting a sense of what you are worth for freelance work.

A Formula To Convert Salary Into Hourly

Using this formula determines your hourly rate:

salary to hourly

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Find Your Annual Salary

Calculate your total annual salary. For example, imagine your salary is $50,000 a year.

2. Calculate The Annual Hours Worked

  • Full-time is up to 40 hours a week.
  • Now multiply this by 52 weeks a year


3. Calculate Your Hourly Rate

First, take your annual salary and divide that by hours in the year:

hourly rate

Adjustments for Part-Time Work or Overtime

  • Part-Time Work: Reduce the total hours worked if you work less. For instance, the breakdown based on 20 hours of work per week would be:
  • Overtime: If your job has overtime, factor in these hours when calculating your hourly rate.